Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wrongfully Convicted Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wrongfully Convicted - Assignment Example The opponents of capital punishment have therefore cited wrongful executions as their arguments since it does not result into justice if indeed the convicted or executed person is later found to be innocent (Huff & Killias, 62). However, with the advancements in technology, there is relief to this problem as the crimes and criminals are being identified in a more accurate manner in which even those who had been convicted in the past have been released from the prisons and escaped the death sentences. Research has shown that in the United States of America, the use of DNA technology has resulted into the exoneration and the setting free of up to 15 inmates who were serving death penalty since the year 1992 (Zedeck, 27). It is however important to note that a number of individuals have also been released due to weak cases or innocent individuals convicted and the people who are supposed to be convicted set free (Huff & Killias, 65). The death penalty information center has also publish ed certain names of individuals who have been executed but are likely to be innocent if thorough investigations are done to authenticate their involvement in the crimes that they are alleged to have committed. This is not different from the other nations in Europe and other parts of the world. For example, in the United Kingdom, criminal cases review commission has reported that there are several individuals who have actually been pardoned and other several exonerations for individuals who had been executed during the time between 1950s and 1960s. It is therefore important to note that there is need to standardize the DNA evidence so as to serve as the basis for exonerations of individuals who have been wrongfully convicted as a process to deliver justice to them. One example of those who were wrongfully convicted and executed in the United States of America is Jesse Tafero. Jesse was convicted in Florida in the year 1976 for the alleged killing of police officer (Ciolino, 28). He w as convicted together witch another person known as Jacobs Sonia. The two were convicted with the murder case alongside drug trafficking. It was alleged that they killed police officers as they escaped the police arrest because of the drugs that they had. The two individuals were then sentenced to death on the basis of the testimonies by a third party prisoner who pleaded for the les entice if he testified in the case. In the year 1981, the death sentence for Jacob was commuted. However, a year later, Rhodes who testified against the pair asserted that he actually bears the full responsibility of the murder. Tafero on the other hand was executed in the year 1990 despite all these clams by Rhodes. Two years later, the charges against Jacob were squashed which later resulted into her serving imprisonment and not being executed like Tafero. It is important to note that Tafero might have been executed wrongfully and in case the same evidence used in Jacob’s case could have been u sed in his case, he could have been alive as well. Others who are believed to have been wrongfully executed include; Wayne Felker, Cameroon Willingham, Meeks Griffins and Thomas among others who were wrongfully convicted but not executed (Ciolino, 22). In the view of the above, it is clear that the cases of wrongful executions are evident and there is need to look for ways by which these executions can be right executions. With this regard, it is not possible to deliver justice to individuals who have been killed. It is therefore important for the various legislative bodies to consider doing away with the death sentences and replace it with amore elaborate and a system that can be reversed. This is because even then DNA test and the biological processes

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Equality Rights: Feminism

Equality Rights: Feminism Equality Rights Feminism Equality a term associated with fairness, cohesion, and rights has been an important goal for various theoretical movements that have formed in Feminism. The debate surrounding equality has and continues to be of concern at all different levels feminism arose as a response to the inequalities between men and women. The question of equality itself puts up a parameter of analysis and critique that allows for investigation and speculation. To ponder equality, is to enlighten the senses to explore the possibilities of what is known, what needs to be done, and who or what is involved in seeking equality it challenges the word as well as the people framed within it. Catharine MacKinnon states that â€Å"Feminism is the discovery that women do not live in this world, that the person occupying this realm is a man, so much more a man if he is white and wealthy† (367). With this in mind, feminist movements emphasize the importance of every women’s position in social and political spaces. Various feminist movements can be used to achieve equality. However, each perspective provides a different contribution in obtaining such equality. Feminist theories of the liberal, Marxist, radical, and postcolonial perspectives all cover certain aspects of inequality while limiting in the acknowledgement of another. The integration of these perspectives will allow for a truly beneficial equality for women. Liberal feminism is a stance that argues for women to have equal rights to men and to achieve individual autonomy. They propose a model of individual autonomy by fighting for the right of women to have educational opportunities and to obtain a career that is outside of domesticity. This is part of their main focus of their strive for women to have the same rights that men hold â€Å"naturally† men being the gender of privilege and power (Whelehan 29). Liberal feminists are interested in the politics of law to maintain equality between women and men. From this perspective, equality for women is achievable but due to the nature and intensity of its movements, liberal feminism is considered as a starting point for equal rights and freedoms guaranteed to each individual. It takes a more â€Å"soft† lobbying approach to fight for the equal rights of women to those of men as they try to refrain from any direct challenge to institutions that cause them to be unequal. They would like to change laws but stay within the boundaries of institutions as they prove to be valuable to many women. Imelda Whelehan points out that the â€Å"liberal perspective on state intervention in people’s lives also proved problematic, since state support was crucial to many women’s lives, and any shrinkage of its services would probably mean that their living standards deteriorated† (34). As a result, liberal feminists were caught between fighting for women’s rights and expressing their victimization that is due to their differences in biological sex. Moreover, social change is restricted because if the current liberal state was overthrown, the male-dominant liberalistic status quo would be disrupted and many services provided by the state (especially services provided to women to improve their living standards) will be in jeopardy. Combining liberal thought and feminism provides many contradictions because their beliefs do not apply equally to both male and female due to the constraints of reality. If males and females are given equal rights (as hoped by liberal feminists), there will be strains on both sexes in terms of gender roles within and outside of the economy as well as an emphasis on the females biological anatomy of giving birth. As a result, liberal feminism’s concept of equality is an ideal that is contradictory due to reality, personal benefits, and environmental constraints (such as the state, education, and family needs). It is important to realize that this does not necessarily prove liberal feminism as an ineffective approach to equality. In fact, liberal feminism is the most widely known feminist movement in today’s society. The liberal feminist movement can be seen as the basis and the starting point for the fight towards gender equality. However, this approach needs to be combined with other perspectives for a more effective outcome. Another effective approach to strive for gender equality is to analyze the problem through the Marxian framework. Marxist feminism emphasizes that capitalism and patriarchy are organizing devices that hinder the contemplation of having a society that is equal between genders. They argue that class is a major factor that creates the division between men and women. In other words, the hierarchy system of class produces inequalities by placing power in the hands of a few while oppressing others that do not have this privilege. Marxist feminism focuses their attention on women’s position in labor and in the capitalist system women’s participation in the home and in wage work. Heidi Hartmann states that â€Å"the problem in the family, the labor market, economy, and society is not simply a division of labor between men and women, but a division that places men in a superior, and women in a subordinate, position† (7). As a result, Marxist feminists take on a revolutionary approach to overthrow capitalism in order to dismantle male privilege [really really really good clean cut statement]. They recognize that women are subordinated as a class and that women’s unpaid work in the home needs to be acknowledged because â€Å"women at home not only provide essential services for capital by reproducing the labor force, but also create surplus value through that work† (Hartmann 8). Moreover, Marxist feminism recognizes the social and historical context of all women’s work in paid and unpaid labor. By acknowledging women’s participation in society, women’s contribution will not be taken for granted hence elevating their gender status. Equality can therefore be achieved in a capitalistic sense. While the liberal approach focuses on gender equality in rights before the court of law, the Marxian perspective takes on a capitalistic approach strengthening women’s status in the economic system. These two approaches aim to fight for more power for oppressed women but, at the same time, they lack focus on a major source of this oppression the problematic male-dominant gender system. Radical feminism is useful in analyzing this issue as it focuses on patriarchy as the source of gender inequality. This binary gender system is seen to be a social construct that serves as the basis of gender inequality. Radical feminists argue that men’s privilege oppresses women though social institutions and cultural productions. As a result, men’s dominance over women is seen to take on a social hierarchy that produces unequal power relations. They stress that social organizations created male domination, which has forced upon society a type of thinking that is â€Å"malestream.† Moreover, violence towards women and the objectification of women’s bodies have placed women in a position of exploitation and victimization. Radical feminism coined the slogan â€Å"The personal is political† to emphasize that individual experiences brings out political issues that need to be addressed and acknowledged. They take on a revolutionary approach in that social and political changes are necessary in order to overthrow the structural framework of inequality between men and women. They argue that â€Å"individual female identity and experience [is] the first step to collective revolution† (Whelehan 36). Acknowledging female identity apart from the structural gender framework will allow the female gender to break free from â€Å"malestream† ideals. In other words, the elimination of this gender system will possibly bring the two genders into equality. Another feminist movement that aims to challenge existing social norms and constructs is postcolonial feminism. This movement focuses on rejecting all foundational thought that is known and used as truth. They argue that this truth is constructed and created by the powers of those that are the colonizers (middle-class, white males) who have power over the colonized. Moreover, this truth becomes part of the universal it is accepted to be true with little or no questioning. As a result, postcolonial feminist reject universalizing principles because it marginalizes those that are not part of the norm. Leela Gandhi argues that a â€Å"comprehensive dismantling of colonial hierarchies and structures needs to be matched by a reformed and imaginative reconception of colonized society and culture† (82). Postcolonial feminists stress that women are situated in a â€Å"double colonization† in which they are oppressed as women and colonized people as well as constructed as sexual objects. A reformation of the constructed male-dominant society should take place revamping all social norms that naturally set women as the subordinate. By destabilizing the colonization, ideals on gender that are taken for granted will be overthrown granting an opportunity for women to be acknowledged in society. With an increased level of appreciation of women’s contribution, equality between the genders can be achieved. With the unique standpoint of each perspective, inequality issues regarding different structures of society can be understood better. Each of these perspectives is effective in their own way as they all aim to bring equality between the genders. By incorporating the multiple perspectives, equality can be achieved to a certain extent. The issue of equality is based on people’s perspectives and the social contexts these people are positioned. No matter how hard these feminist movements try to strive for equality, gender differences will continue to exist biological differences can never be eliminated. If â€Å"absolute† equality is achieved, men and women will be seen as equal and existing protection for female’s biological differences will be removed. Protection such as laws regarding birth right allowing women to be released [better word?] from work for a recovery period is beneficial and should not be revoked due to â€Å"equality.† In a sense, rather than relieving female victims from oppression, this â€Å"absolute† equality may cause even more distress for the female community. With this in mind, achieving absolute gender equality should not be the main goal of feminist movements. These perspectives should be used to help strive to seek for the acknowledgement of women’s position in society. Equality does not necessarily have to be achieved in order for females to obtain a better life. Providing respect and recognition for the female gender will be more useful and beneficial. Based on people’s perspectives/attitudes and the social context people are positioned Equality may or may not be possible Possible for certain sectors but women still needs more rights (ex. birth Þ biological difference) May agree/accept certain aspects of a feminist perspective but don’t have to accept all of it All these feminist perspectives has helped strive to seek equality for women and have made significant contributions to the acknowledgement of women’s position in society Liberal and radical both aim at giving women more rights Even if they strive for equality, gender differences will still exist no matter what (biological difference) Would should still have more rights and be protected for those differences Works Cited Gandhi, Leela (1998). â€Å"Postcolonialism and Feminism† in Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction (81-101). New York: Columbia University Press. Hartmann, Heidi (1981). â€Å"The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Towards a More Progressive Union.† In Lydia Sargeant (Ed.) Women and Revolution (1-41). Montreal: Black Rose Books. MacKinnon, Catherine (1985). â€Å"Pornography, Civil Rights, and Free Speech.† In Rosemary Tong (Ed.) (1999) Feminist Philosophies. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Whelehan, Imelda (1995). â€Å"Liberal Feminism: The Origins of the Second Wave† in Modern Feminist Thought (25-43). New York: New York University Press. Question Three: Discuss the potential and limitations of feminist theories with respect to the analysis of gender and sexuality. Compare several perspectives and then draw your own conclusions about this issue. The social stratification of our society has placed boundaries on all aspects of our lives. With deeper exploration of these constructed issues, multifaceted debates arise in feminism. Moreover, by looking at the social organization of the everyday, feminist theories are able to take a closer look into the complex views surrounding gender, sex, and sexuality. It is important to make a clear distinction between the concepts of gender, sex, and sexuality to understand the underlying message that each of these words conveys each concept has a particular meaning and construction to its term. Gender is often referred to as the social construction of our identity of being â€Å"man/masculine† and â€Å"woman/feminine† (sometimes known as being â€Å"gendered†), whereas sex pertains to the biology of our species (male and/or female). Heidi Hartmann eloquently emphasizes that â€Å"we are born female and male, biological sexes, but we are created women and man, socially recognized genders† (16). Sexuality, on the other hand, refers to our emotional and intimate relationships (heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality). The work of liberal, Marxist, radical, postcolonial, lesbian, and third wave feminism all have considerable overlap in their analysis of gender, sex, and sexuality, but each of these perspectives has its own central focus. As a result, the dissimilar concepts have always resulted in contrasting debates. It is beneficial to analyze the potentials and limitations of each of these feminist theories in order to fully understand the complexity of gender, sex, and sexuality. The integration of these various perspectives will provide a deeper understanding and awareness of the diverse issues that our social structure tries to mask. As a mainstream feminist movement, liberal feminism claims that differences in gender are not based in biology. They believe women and men are not very different due to their common humanity. As a result, they argue that women and men should not be treated any differently under the law women should have the same opportunities and legal rights as men by striving to eliminate laws that differentiate people by gender (Whelehan 29). Liberal feminism has the potential of slowly changing people’s attitudes toward gender and sexuality by increasing women’s participation in what is known to be male occupations as well as encouraging support networks for women. They also provide great contribution by socializing and educating the young with gender-neutral terminology. However, liberal feminism is limited in their focus there is too much emphasis on the macro and very little on the micro. The private sphere of women’s experiences in their home is not brought to the forefront. As a result, many troubling issues such as domestic violence and marital rape are not spoken about. This limitation undermines liberal feminism’s goal to have men and women being treated equally. The silencing of the private and personal life has hindered the individual autonomy and freedom of speech of women women’s domestic and sexual lives become unacknowledged (Whelehan 38). Moreover, Imelda Whelehan states that there is a â€Å"limit to how far liberal feminists will ‘pry’ into individual’s private social/sexual choices† (38). As a result, they do not directly challenge capitalism (the main contributor to the oppression of women), which undermines the idea of changing the institutions that maintain gender bias and censors sexuality. Whelehan also emphasizes that liberal feminism is problematic in that its views are predominately white, middle class, heterosexuals this ignores women who do not inhabit what is a relatively privileged social position (41). Although liberal feminism has created conditions to fight for equality, it is only a stepping stone for the other feminist theories that follow it is limited in the macro and public realm of politics. Another way to approach the problematic concepts of gender, sex, and sexuality is through the Marxian perspective. Marxist feminism suggests that the dual system of roles as paid and unpaid workers in a capitalist economy is the reason behind women’s oppression. They argue that in the workplace, women are exploited by capitalism whereas in the home, they are exploited by patriarchy (Hartmann 5). Moreover, women have fewer economic resources due to their low paying wages as compared to men. Heidi Hartmann argues that sexist ideology has adopted a capitalist form in that patriarchal relations bolster capitalism the subjugation of women in the private and public sphere has allowed for the continuance of patriarchal and capitalistic needs. Women’s work is devalued even though they are the major source to an efficient economy they are caregivers, housekeepers, and work for the paid marketplace. Marxist feminism greatly focuses their analysis on gender being a source of job segregation that exploits women as paid and unpaid workers in the workplace and in the family. They argue that women are subordinated as a class and that â€Å"the problem in the family, the labor market, economy, and society is not simply a division of labor between men and women, but a division that places men in a superior, and women in a subordinate, position† (Hartmann 7). However, Marxist feminism is limited in its macro analysis of society because the individual and private lives of people (especially the exploration of sexuality in regards to producing products of capital) need to be analyzed. It covers feministic issues within the economic system but, due to its limited framework, it is inefficient in addressing problems surrounding individual issues that women are facing in today’s male-dominant society. To analyze these problematic individual issues, the radical feminist framework has proven to be effective. Radical feminism is a conscious-raising group that addresses intense debates surrounding issues of women’s everyday lives. They argue that â€Å"the personal is political† in that the â€Å"original and basic class division is between the sexes, and that the motive force of history is the striving of men for power and domination over women, the dialectic of sex† (Hartmann 13). Radical feminism are greatly concerned about violence towards women due to the depictions of women as sexual objects to be used, abused, and produced in the mass media. Catharine MacKinnon argues that â€Å"maleness is a form of power and femaleness is a form of powerlessness† (369). As a result, according to radical feminism, patriarchy results in the sexual exploitation of women through social control and construction. However, radical feminisms limitation is that the creation of a women-only space includes particular â€Å"women† while excluding those that do not conform to certain gender assumptions such as transgenders it creates another form of power. This exclusion will lead to another type of inequality and oppression that will once again damage society as a whole. The liberal, Marxist, and radical feminist perspectives all focus on the major structures that act as the basis of society’s gender concepts. Postcolonial feminism, on the other hand, challenges the gender blindness that is masked in traditional colonial history it focuses on problematic gender concepts rather than the major structures behind them. In traditional thought, the â€Å"Third World Women† is represented as the colonized women of nonindustrial societies and developing countries who are brought into civilization by imperial, patriarchal domination of Western and European masculinity. Feminist postcolonial theorists argue that the basis of these women’s gender and race places them under imperial circumstances of being women of â€Å"double colonization† â€Å"Third-World Woman† are seen â€Å"as victim par excellence the forgotten casualty of both imperial ideology, and native and foreign patriarchies† (Gandhi 83). This is problematic because the â€Å"Third-World Women† are placed in contrast with Western woman as opposites, othered, and marginalized a position of inferiority to ones gender of not being a dominant, white, middle-class woman. Leela Gandhi exemplifies that this â€Å"implied cultural lack of the ‘third-world woman’ fortifies the redemptive ideological/political plenitude of Western feminism†¦seen yet as another object of Western knowledges, simultaneously knowable and unknowing† (86). As a result, postcolonial and feminist theories challenges discourses that are about women by highlighting the anti-colonial gender blindness and to acknowledge â€Å"Third-World Woman† as a voice of difference instead of an object to be silenced by the power and privilege of colonialism. However, postcolonial feminism is limited in that, like the above perspectives, a more macro-level of analysis is taken whereas the micro-level analysis of sexuality. Postcolonial feminism focuses their attention on the social organization of the â€Å"third-world woman† in relation to colonial practices and exploitation. Lesbian feminism, unlike other perspectives, acknowledges the oppression of compulsory heterosexuality. By challenging traditional norms and heterosexuality, they fight for both women’s and homosexual rights. Lesbian feminism has the potential to combat homophobia by empowering women to explore sexuality and to understand of heterosexual relationships. They argue that the diverse range of â€Å"woman-identified experience† needs to take into account the history and individual experience of each woman’s life (Rich 648). Adrienne Rich argues that compulsory heterosexuality is not examined but accepted as the â€Å"sexual preference† of our society (633). As a result, the perspective of lesbian feminism has implications of dismantling compulsory heterosexuality by recognizing the central truth of women’s history in that the â€Å"preference† of heterosexuality has been â€Å"naturally† imposed on women and that â€Å"women have always resisted male tyranny† (Rich 652). It allows women to move away from the prescribed scripts produced by the distorted lie of compulsory female heterosexuality as â€Å"normal† and a â€Å"preference† a form of liberation for all women. However, lesbian feminism is limited in that they do not address the power issues may still exist in lesbian relationships just as they do in heterosexual relationships. It also neglects larger oppression issues that are bringing distress to the female gender. Contrasting other perspectives, third wave feminism guides their analysis towards a more micro perspective and emphasizes that individual identities are unique and complex. They strive for women to have agency and acknowledge that female sexuality is a form of power to express oneself. They find the category of â€Å"woman† to be problematic because, as stated by Himani Bannerji, women’s issues should not be located on a broad and generalized way of â€Å"Woman a singular yet universal entity† of patriarchal social construction (48). Third wave feminism embraces sexuality and the act of sex as fun rather than deviant or dangerous. They see themselves as empowering and as women of choice. Third wave feminism appreciates and views the internet as an important source for opening up lines of communication and support networks for young scholars (Alfonso and Trigilio 7). They stress the importance of speaking and writing about individual personal experiences in order to resist universal assumptions. However, this is limiting in that they do not evaluate certain issues that arise. Third-wave feminism provides a more micro-approach to analyze everyday conversations. This can be problematic because the specificity of these conversations becomes hard to apply to societal issues. In Rita Alfonso’s dialogue to Jo Trigilio, Rita acknowledges that a â€Å"political generation can account for subject positions across historical waves of feminism, as well as for the existence of two relatively distinct waves of feminism (9-10). However, Trigilio stresses that the use of â€Å"political generation† needs to accompanied with concerns about which groups are empowered to give them a voice (10). Trigilio also fears that there is becoming less class-consciousness in third wave feminism and highlights the increasing problems of academic discourses (written in a form that is only accessible to a few and again oppresses). All perspectives have their own unique qualities that provide insight into the deeper issues that underlie our social and political structures in society. Each stance is beneficial to our understanding even though they are limited due to their specific nature. The combination of liberal, Marxist, radical, postcolonial, lesbian, and third wave feminism will allow us to recognize the historical shifts of these perspectives all these perspectives have risen at certain points in time due to societal issues concerning gender and sexuality. Society is a gradual process that slowly finds acceptance in issues (especially in sexuality) that surface as a result of progressive movements that fight for change. The problematic issues surrounding gender, sex, and sexuality have always brought a lot of distress to women in society. On a larger scale, these problems exist in the economical, political, and patriarchal aspects of society. From a micro viewpoint, domestic oppression and heterosexual gender ideologies are also the concerns of the female gender. Sexuality is a major concern because not only is it seen to be deviant but talk of having sex is seen to be sacred. Instead of finding pleasure in explore ones sexuality, traditional ideology has oppressed the talk and the act of engaging in this private and personal sphere of the individual. Historically, many issues were shunned because of dominant discourses but over time, it has been a gradual movement to give rise to these issues that were always present. By incorporating the multiple perspectives discussed, society can continue to evolve and move towards better social structures and norms that will help improve the living standard of the female gender. Works Cited Alfonso, Rita and Jo Trigilio (1997). â€Å"Surfing the Thrid Wave: A Dialogue Between Two Third Wave Feminists.† Hypatia 12, 3: 7-16. Bannerji, Himani (1999). â€Å"Inroducing Racism: Notes Towards an Anti-Racist Feminism† in Thinking Through: Essays on Feminism, Marxism, and Anti-Racism (41-53). Toronto: Women’s Press. Gandhi, Leela (1998). â€Å"Postcolonialism and Feminism† in Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction (81-101). New York: Columbia University Press. Hartmann, Heidi (1981). â€Å"The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Towards a More Progressive Union.† In Lydia Sargeant (Ed.) Women and Revolution (1-41). Montreal: Black Rose Books. Rich, Adrienne (1980). â€Å"Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence.† Signs 5, 4: 631-660. MacKinnon, Catherine (1985). â€Å"Pornography, Civil Rights, and Free Speech.† In Rosemary Tong (Ed.) (1999) Feminist Philosophies. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Whelehan, Imelda (1995). â€Å"Liberal Feminism: The Origins of the Second Wave† in Modern Feminist Thought (25-43). New York: New York University Press.

Friday, October 25, 2019

REVERSIBLE BONDED STRAIN GAGE :: essays research papers

ABSTRACT For accurately measuring thermal strains, particularly on large structures where welded strain gages cannot be used, a reversible bonded strain gage was developed. Basically it is a special polyimide strain gage which is same on both the base side and cover side so that it can be used both ways. It can be used to measure strains at temperatures under 250oC (482oF) of a structure made of aluminum alloys or composites (to which its difficult to weld a strain gage).These gages can be can be peeled after taking required apparent strain measurements in a furnace and can be attached reverse side up at a required point on a structure. To measure mechanical stresses on structures at high temperatures it is essential to measure apparent thermal stresses accurately in the first place. In practice, several strain gages in a pack are used to obtain calibration data. The apparent strain and gage factor change of all the gages in the pack are assumed to be same which is not so in practice, in spit e of great efforts to reduce scatter of apparent strain. Since reversible strain gages can be reattached to the test structure after taking apparent strain readings, the error caused due to apparent strain scatter (by using different strain gages) can be reduced to great extent. In this paper the thermal characteristics of the reversible strain gage – repeatability of apparent strain, gage-factor change, creep, drift and the output for a given mechanical strain – were investigated. INTRODUCTION There are several problems associated with elevated temperature measurements, static or dynamic, the basic one being that alloys useful as strain gages at these temperatures are also excellent temperature sensors. Firstly, installation of the strain gage is a problem and secondly the apparent strain and change in gage factor makes it very difficult to measure the actual strain. In aerospace industry we come across a lot of situations when very accurate strain measurements at high temperatures are required, but in spite of a lot of improvement in new high temperature strain gages most of them are welded types. Hence, they cannot be used on materials like aluminum alloys or composites. In this paper, a reversible bonded strain gage is described for use at temperatures under 250o (482oF) that can be applied to a structure made of materials commonly used in aerospace industry like aluminum alloys and various composites. Aircraft wings are often subjected to high temperature and high acou stic noise level and the application of reversible strain gages to accurately measure the stresses is the main motivation behind choosing this paper for review.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Concept of Martyrdom Essay

The world became astounded after it has witnessed one of the greatest tragedies of humankind. September 11, 2001 is the date where the international community has been introduced to an unknown face of an enemy. With no specified structure, its organization remains to be a vague concept with evidences and facts which are not thoroughly determined. The world is unsure who to put the blame when the phenomenon of terrorism has been revealed, thus, resulting into preconceived notions of racism to track down its roots. Perhaps the conscious recognition of terrorism launched a new concept of war in international affairs. The conventional war used to occur between two states and their respective allies, but after the World Trade Center attack, the war is waged against individuals and factions suspected of terrorist activities. Led by the United States, the war on terrorism commenced and military forces moved to alleged havens of terrorist groups which are mostly situated in the Middle East. Information regarding these factions has been acquired and the most famous of them all is named as Al Qaeda. From this information, terrorism eventually earned an identity and a face where the most wanted man in America has been associated as Al Qaeda’s leader. Osama Bin Laden, the notorious man suspected of numerous American embassies bombings even prior to the 9/11 attack. The war to hunt down Al Qaeda revealed other terrorist groups whose network stretched all over the world. As terrorism information expanded to the public, the international community saw how these groups and its members carry out their tasks to be able to hit their targets. From hijacking public transportations to kidnapping, terrorists have been known to be trained to conduct these acts. As the war on terrorism continues, the means of terrorists in fulfilling their tasks are increasing and expanding just as much as the growth of their membership. The following discussion will focus on one method of terrorism which is prominent in attacking sectors of society and have stirred strong concerns from spectators who witness the damages it cause. Suicide terrorism, as derived from its name, usually refers to an individual who has bombs attached on his or her own body and detonate it within the proximity of the target. The hijacking of planes of 9/11 is also considered as part of suicide terrorism. The usage of suicide is not a new means in the field of warfare; however, what made suicide terrorism as horrific as it is today is for the reason that it targets civilians, unlike in conventional war where it aimed at combatants. Since the whole concept of warfare has shifted its participants, acts of terrorism reflect a deeper background which needs to be further understood. First is to provide a general history of suicide attacks prior to 9/11 which focus on the evolvement of using suicide from non-terrorists to terrorists. It will be followed by examining the role of religion to the terrorist factions and how the concept of martyrdom serves as a religious duty. Following the flow of the discussion, this leads to elaborating how these groups perform suicidal attacks operating under principles established by the organization. This is to attempt in looking suicide terrorism in totality to be able to determine its implications on society. History of Suicide Terrorism In his recent book entitled Suicide Bombers in Iraq, Mohammed Hafez (2007) described suicide attacks or terrorism as â€Å"a premeditated attack by an individual who willingly uses his or her body to carry or deliver explosives to attack, kill, or maim others† (p. 6). From the preceding texts it has been briefly mentioned that suicide attack is not a new method to be used in any form of battle. Even prior to the 9/11 incident, suicide attacks has been consistent in the concept of â€Å"self-sacrifice for the interest of a broader cause† (Linden, 2003, p. 77). Before suicide attacks has been used by terrorists — tagged as part of non-state actors in the international community — this form of attack has been utilized by state combatants especially during the world wars. Kamikaze: Tactical Suicide Such notable for using suicide to gain larger benefits is the infamous Japanese Kamikaze which surprised the Americans during the sudden attack of Pearl Harbor. The usage of kamikaze has been used especially at the height of the Pacific war where Japanese pilots crashed their fighter planes into the enemies’ largest warships to further incapacitate its advantage for battle. This form of suicide attacks is determine as the tactical kind of suicide (Battin, 2005, p. 241) but it is more than just a war strategy. It is considered a duty to be fulfilled not just as a soldier but as a Japanese living to the ideology of a dignified death which is deeply embedded in their culture. Lebanon Bombings: Start of the Terror Trend The creation of dynamite from the late 1800s later evolved into customized portable bombs which are attached secretly into public facilities. By the time the production of these explosives became abundant, it has been used for performing small-scale attacks which are more inconspicuous and less suspicious attaining higher possibilities of killing the target. After the major world wars, civil wars ensued within countries especially those which are left torn by the Cold War. Prominent suicide attacks frequently occurred during the civil wars in Middle Eastern countries, one of the most significant events which gave meaning to a new concept for suicide attack are the bombings in Lebanon in early 1980s. The targets became the embassies of foreign states which have been participating in the civil war as either allies or peacekeeping forces (Hafez, p. 7). The high rates of property damages and death tolls prompted for the removal of other foreign forces out of Lebanon which made a significant impression that suicide attacks in this form are effective (Hafez, p.7). The bombings in Lebanon started the trend for the modern day suicide attacks. Basically, the two events that have been mentioned conveyed the division line which showed the difference of how attacks transformed from a part of a war strategy to inducing terror alone. The so-called success of the bombing in Lebanon in 1980s paved the way for the creation of non-state factions who act independently without any government support. Using suicide attacks became an essential method in inducing terror into a society to either kill or send a message to their enemies. Suicide terrorism encompasses a diverse field of goals whether for political reasons, economics, or attaining recognition. However did the purpose of suicide attacks expanded into, performers of this act surely behaved according to a set of principles and ideologies. These principles maybe rooted out from one’s culture such as the Japanese Kamikaze and others can be derived from nationalism, idealism, motivated by personal interests, and religion. The focus of this paper will deal with religion as the main motivation for the modern suicide attacks usually associated with religious extremists in the Middle East.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Christianity and mathematics Essay

This paper deals with interrelation between Christianity and mathematics. It has been observed that God is the creator of this universe and He is also the creator of our various mathematical formulae and deductions. Like Universe and God, they are also eternal and cannot be ever destroyed. The paper has also described how Christianity has described the relation between God and our numeric system, which is the basic foundation of Mathematics. Christianity and mathematics 3 Link between Christianity and mathematics – philosophical aspect Let us consider the formulae for earth’s mass distribution, orbital path of celestial bodies and population fluctuation. They are simple mathematical formulae that describe the creation of this universe and humanity. According to Christianity, who is the creator of this Earth? It is none than the God himself. Jonathan Zderad (2003) has stated in the article written in the website http://www. acmsonline. org/Zderad-creationism. pdf that universe, that is the creation of God is hardwired by the laws of mathematics. If one have a look at the theorems of mathematics, it seemed that they were true before time began and will continue to be true after time lapses. Jonathan has mentioned this in his article in the above mentioned website. Mathematics exists beyond human thought and logic. Christianity believes that only God can create such things which are eternal and divine. Jonathan (2003) has mentioned in his article that mathematics existed beyond time and space. According to Christianity, only God, the supreme power behind this human existence can exist beyond time and space. It is very much clear from the Biblical records that god gives value to numbers. To quote from the above mentioned website, â€Å"For Christians, God’s counting is what gives the believer a place in heaven. Jesus compared himself to a shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep to rescue one sheep that is lost. He values each and every one of us. † (p. 6). Jonathan Zderad (2003). The Holy Bible has drawn many references from the numeric system of mathematics. How Christianity is linked to basic numeric system of mathematics Jonathan (2003) has also described in the above mentioned article how Christianity is Christianity and mathematics 4 related to our numeric system. The author has described that while the Number represents unity, number 2 is the symbol of fellowship and number 3 representing the community. The author states that these numbers represent spiritual qualities. The author has stated in the article that Bible has enough indications that it is God who has created the series of integers, rational and irrational numbers and real numbers. Jonathan has argued in the article that Bible has strong reference to the concept of counting. Numbers were generally used to describe dimension while building a place of worship. How Creation of God is linked with creation of mathematics The author has also suggested in the above article that there is a clear view of Christian view of Mathematics, which is described as creationism. Creationism has got four aspects. The first one is continuity. God makes his own creation in such a way that it is continuous. The second aspect is activity. The author has stated that he has created all these mathematical entities out of his own mental divine activities. The third one has been described as the abstract object inclusive. To quote, â€Å"As a general rule, theists would include mental objects and spiritual objects in the list of God’s invisible creation. Creationism also includes abstract objects like propositions, relations, and universals in this list of God’s invisible creation†. (p7). Jonathan Zderad (2003). The fourth one is that it is mathematically inclusive. It believes that Mathematical objects are created by God and they have an eternal quality, which can only proceed from the mind of God. Christianity and mathematics 5 Reference Zderad, Jonathan. (2003) Creationism – A Viable Philosophy of Mathematics. www. acms. org. Retrieved on 15th December, 2008, from http://www. acmsonline. org/Zderad-creationism. pdf

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Transitive Twist on Agree

Transitive Twist on Agree Transitive Twist on â€Å"Agree† Transitive Twist on â€Å"Agree† By Maeve Maddox A DWT reader wonders about the following uses of the verb agree in a British publication: In a November white paper laying out its vision for independence, Scotland said it would expect to agree a mechanism with London, whereby it would gradually refinance its share of the UKs debt as gilts matured. Under the proposed legislation, the US would place even tougher international restrictions on Iranian oil exports if it fails to agree a final nuclear deal over the next six months. Says the reader, In both, agree is used without a preposition following it. To my Canadian ears, this sounds odd. Is this a chiefly British use or did I simply miss that grammar class? When must one use a preposition with agree and when is it best avoided? Until this reader pointed it out, I’d never noticed this usage. A cursory web search leads me to believe that it is an aberration of British English and may be creeping into American usage by way of journalists who cover European news for the international market. I found this naked agree in respected British publications: Blackberry and Foxconn agree a five-year deal BBC News Business Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger could agree a new three-year contract as early as this week as Stan Kroenke jets in to London The Independent Belfast pub bosses quit over a failure to agree lease Belfast Telegraph I found the usage on a British banking site: Agreeing a formal overdraft is fee free and keeping within your limit is a cost-effective way to manage your account. Agree your overdraft limit in advance. It occurs in a headline about U.S. affairs at an international news site: Democrat and Republican negotiators agree a new spending bill to put before Congress Euronews And it occurs at in a headline over an article written by a European correspondent: Time For ECB To Agree A New Plan For  Cyprus It has even found its way into the OED in a quotation from 2007: This does not stop retrials being ordered where the jury has failed to agree a verdict. C. Elliott F. Quinn Eng. Legal Syst. (ed. 8) iv. xxiv. 549. I find this usage not only odd, but extremely disagreeable. For me, agree is an intransitive verb. It does not take an object. A jury agrees on a verdict. Friends agree with each other. Countries agree to a plan. So far, the transitive usage that has countries â€Å"agree plans† and bank customers â€Å"agree overdraft limits† is distinctly British usage. May it remain so. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†English Grammar 101: Verb MoodDrama vs. Melodrama

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write a Research Essay in Criminal Law

How to Write a Research Essay in Criminal Law Law niche is the first school discipline on the globe. One of the areas of Law is Criminal Law. It includes all aspects of punishment, crime, and annulment of punishment. Typically, Criminal Law is divided into two key types, i.e., felonies and misdemeanors. Felony is a serious criminal offense, such as rape, robbery, selling drugs, or murder, while a misdemeanor is a less grave crime that is related to less severe punishment (traffic offense, for instance). Research essays in the field of Criminal Law are usually assigned in many colleges and universities. It is a type of academic essays that makes you analyze the works of the other authors and compare their thoughts and ideas with the ones of yours. A research essay is a well-organized and clearly written project that includes thorough researching source material and meticulously synthesizing what you learn from it using your thoughts and ideas. Throughout the course, you will be required to craft a couple of research essays on a variety of topics. In case you don’t know how to approach the task, make sure to consider the guidance given below. Choosing a Topic The good thing about writing a research essay in Criminal Law is that you are not going to lack interesting ideas for your project in this area. Feel free to choose any crime that a person can potentially commit or punishment that you’d like to investigate, and you will get an excellent issue to research and write about. Here are the niches where you can find hooking and researchable topics: juvenile justice; capital punishment; criminal justice theories; restorative justice; incarceration; classification of criminals; wrongful convictions, and so on. In the case of the research essays on Criminal Law, you are not limited either by country or historical period, but still, you have a limited amount of pages and time for your assignment. Try to compare the same law in different countries, or the changes in the one law throughout the years and your research essay will be 100% winning. Plus, you will stay away from conducting excessive research that will save your precious time. It is important to use real Criminal Law cases when you need to illustrate your point. The reality is that the area is like Mathematics: first, you provide the formula and then ensure to solve a particular problem with it. If the readers have an opportunity to see the real situation where this or that law was used or which caused some changes in the law, they will have a chance to understand why/how it happened. More often than not, a good example provides more help than pages of pointless sentences. Here are some good Criminal Law topics that you may use to get inspired for your research essay: Juvenile Delinquency Crime Prevention; Exotic Crime All over the Globe: The Reasons They Are Considered Exotic There; Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment: Why and When It Can Be Justified; Is the Law on Corporate Manslaughter Fit for Purpose? The International Criminal Court When It Should Come into Play; The Importance of Due Process; Social Control Theory vs. Self-Control Theory; The Christian Burial Case: An Introduction to Judicial and Criminal Procedure; Cannabis Possession of Controlled Drugs and Substances; The Roles of Mass Media in the Case Investigation; Religious Crimes and Religious Laws in Developed and Developing Countries; Psychological Sequelae of Hate-Crime Victimization among Gay, Bisexual, and Lesbian Adults; Miranda Law: The Right to Stay Silent; Terrorism as the Type of Crime in The United States of America; Sexual Harassment in the Workplace or at School; Relationship Between Crime Individuals with Mental Health Illnesses; Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Slavery: How to World Tries to Eliminate It; Wildlife and Environmental Crimes; Are the Laws Outdated for the Cybercrimes? The Future of the Criminology: How Scientists Help to Investigate Crimes; Quantitative Criminology How It Differs from the Other Niches; Juvenile Justice Juvenile Court: The Key Differences and Similarities; Victories and Failures of Experimental Criminology; Domestic Violence: The Key Difference between the Real Data and Stats; Hate Crime, Violence, and Cultures of Racism; Keep in Mind Your Target Audience It is important to keep in mind who your target audience is. You may be a superb future prosecutor, but if your target audience can’t boast of having that kind of knowledge level, they will definitely get bored too soon. It is important to never mention the law by some unknown names or numbers only. Instead, always make certain to explain in a few words what each term is about and why it is crucial in the niche, even if it takes valuable minutes and pages of your essay. The point here is that your key goal is to make your audience feel like pros; otherwise, your readers are not going to read attentively enough. Unfortunately, Criminal Law is a pretty tricky academic discipline, especially when it comes to getting your readers involved. Make sure to think it over before you give some final touches to your project. Working on the Research Essay Once you have decided on the research essay topic for Criminal Law discipline, do in-depth research on it, and create a well-organized project to share your findings. Make sure to take the following steps in order to get an A+: Step 1. Explore all the theoretical materials related to the issue. The area of Criminal Law is based on many different theories. While some theories provide you with explanations of why people commit crimes, the others are related to how to respond to this or that criminal action. For instance, you might refer to the theory of ideals that involves an account of the values that â€Å"bear upon how people should act, and of all priority relations between the values.† The theoretical materials in Criminal Law niche can help you properly set the research essay context. Step 2. Choose your key methods. Based on the research essay topic that you select, make sure to apply different methods. It is important to mention that in the case with Criminal Law, the procedures are likely to include: Doing surveys: create a questionnaire and receive the necessary details from your targets. Do observations: check how targets tend to behave and what exactly it is that they do in this or that situation. Conduct experiments: provide some motivation and find out how your targets tend to respond to it. Look through case studies: explore your topic by checking police records, court records, medical histories, or real-life stories. Perform Research The topic idea for your research essay in Criminal Law is a question, and your task here is to answer it in your project. For instance, if you write your research essay on ‘Why Do Some Crimes Have Several Different Punishments?’ you have to analyze the data that you found using any of the methods mentioned above. Make sure to learn what the problem or issue is, the reasons why it occurs here and there, as well as what will happen if this or that criminal law is implemented. Use sources like Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Harvard Law Review, or New Criminal Law for more detailed information for your research. It is important to document all the important details. They serve as a solid foundation for your research essay. Document all participants, actions, materials, and equipment that you used to research the issue and come to the results. Write the Research Essay Step by Step Your research essay in Criminal Law should comprise the following segments: intro, method, results, discussion, concluding the section, and references. One of the helpful things that the author of the research essay can do when writing in Criminal Law is to outline the text to provide sections for the key points of the essay. Do this before you start writing so you can visualize how every section of the project will fit together. Besides, this will also enable you to rearrange all essay ingredients to make your text flow logically. An outline of a research essay in Criminal Law can be as general or detailed as you prefer as long as it helps you to get the idea of how to build the essay. While some authors tend to include a couple of sentences under every heading in the outline to create a kind of a short essay, the others are sure that a quick list of topics will do. Do it the way that you’re most comfortable with. For example, if you work on the research topic ‘Contemporary Hate Crimes in the United States of America,’ your outline might look as follows: Introduction The number of hate groups in the US has been rising, partially due to the campaign and presidency of Donald Trump. According to SLPC (Southern Poverty Law Center), in 2016, the total number of hate groups in the United States grew to 917 from 892, just a year earlier. Method Using the case studies method, the combination of witness testimony and reports have been investigated. Results As a result, almost 900 incidents of hate were observed in the ten days after the election. During the first month after the election, 1 094 incidents were counted, and 1 863 incidents were counted between November 9 and March 31. Discussion The effect of hate crimes: Hate crimes have a truly devastating effect on both – the victim and the whole community/society. The history issues: During the history of the United States of America, hate crime laws did not exist until the mid-twentieth century. We need to address those problems today: Hate crimes are still hard to prosecute nowadays. Prosecuting this sort of crimes needs proving the hate or bias of the offender as the key motivation for the crime. Further changes in Criminal Law are needed. Conclusion Unfortunately, prosecuting hate crimes is a hard task for public prosecutors and law enforcement in general. It is important to fashion a particular rule that would allow defendant’s membership evidence in a hate group. This, in turn, would help public prosecutors by enabling relevant evidence to come in for a hare rime at a trial. References Hauslohner, A. (November, 2017). Hate crimes reports are soaring – but we still don’t know how many people are victimized. Washington Post. US Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, Special Report: Hate Crime Victimization, 2004-2015, US Department of Justice, (June 2017). German Lopez, Why it’s so hard to prosecute a hate crime, Vox, (May 23, 2017 1:00 pm). EU Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law. Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2017). Hate crimes. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Justice. If you’re lucky to have enough time, make sure to build your outline a couple of days before you begin to write the research essay. It is important to come back to it more than once. Thus, you will have an opportunity to think and see if the parts of your project will work together in the final draft. Feel free to rearrange things in your essay outline as many times as possible if you want to have a structure that your tutor will be satisfied with. Organize your text correspondingly. Provide all the important details. College research essays in Criminal Law should typically be formatted in APA style. In case you do not have any other specific instructions, stick to this formatting style as well. Once you’re done with the work, ensure to re-read, revise, and proofread it carefully.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 10 Best ACT Books Recommended for ACT Prep

The 10 Best ACT Books Recommended for ACT Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Has your reading list been taken over by ACT prep books? There are a lot out there to choose from, and you want to make sure you're using high-quality materials that will get you ready for the ACT. This guide is meant to help you choose the best ACT prep books to achieve your goals. I've divided the books up into three categories: the critical book you need, the best books for general prep, and the best books by ACT section. Before jumping into myrecommendations, a quick note about the perspective I'm coming from. FYI: A Disclaimer If books are your preferredresource for studying, then they can take you as far as you want to go in prepping for the ACT. Since all of the following books have different strengths and weaknesses, I would recommend using a combination of several. That way one can make up for any content, strategy, or practice questions that might be lacking in another. At the same time, it's up to you to make a study plan and stick to it. This ACT book list hasall the material you need, but it's up to you to make the most of them. Because designing and sticking to a plan is challenging to students at any age and level (the urge to procrastinate never goes away, to be honest), PrepScholar's online ACTprep program has a great track record of helping students meet their goals. This program combines the best parts of each of these books, while also building in a measure of accountability. It helps you design a study plan customized to your particular needs, strengths, and weaknesses, keep track of your progress, and stick to your benchmarks over a sustained period of time. Regardless of what method works for you, we're committed to givingall students access to the resources they need for academic success. That's why we publish detailed guides to the ACT every day, along with free ACT practice test pdfs for you to download and print. That's also why we want to make sure you're using the best ACT prep books available. To that end, let's start by discussing the critical ACT prepbook that every student should purchase. The Critical Book for ACT Prep By calling this book critical, I mean every student should use it to study for the ACT, regardless of herlevel or target scores. It's really important. Go ahead and get it. I'll wait. The Official ACT Prep Guide (or the "Red Book") Amazon price: about $23 Why is The Official ACT Prep Guideso crucial? Because it's made by the test makers themselves, meaning its practice questions are the best representations of what you'll see on the test. They were actually already given on the test, on past administrations of the ACT. All books have pros and cons, though, so let's consider where this oneexcels and where it has limitations. Pros This book has the best sample questions because they're real ACT questions. That means the content will match what you'll see on the test (with one caveat - see the cons section below), as will the format, timing, and wording of the questions. It's crucial to use real practice questions to prep, so you can get used to the test, know what to expect, and assess where you need more practice. The Red Book has five full-length practice tests, all of which were previously administered official tests. It also has over 400 questions available online that you can access with a code you get when you buy the book. While this book is the best source of practice questions, it's not the best book for other aspects of your test prep. Let's consider some of its drawbacks. Cons While the Red Book is a great source for practice questions, it's not the most thorough when it comes to reviewing concepts or learning strategies. It's especially weak when it comes to test-taking strategies, since the ACT test makersare like magicians: they don't want to reveal their tricks. Another weakness of this book has to do with the answer explanations. They could be more thorough. Other books do a better job of walking through the steps of answering a question or solving a problem. This helps you develop a thought process for successfully approaching and answering questions. Finally, it turns out that not all practice tests are equivalent. While ACT, Inc. hasn't announced any changes to the test, many experts agree that the ACT has been gradually changing (ie, getting more difficult) over the years. In particular, they generally agree that the Science section has become more challenging and the Reading faster paced. The practice tests and questions in this book don't always reflect these changes. In fact, many questions in this book seem to be easier than what you'll encounter on test day. You may find yourself scoring higher on these practice tests than on the real ACT. Since the Red Book is best for practice questions, you would need to supplement it with other ACT books that review content and teach strategies. Below ismy ACT preparation books list, divided by the best general books, followed by my suggestions for subject-specific study guides. Best ACT Books for Overall Study The books that are best for overall study address all sections of the ACT, English, Reading, Math, Science, and the optional essay. Some excel in reviewing content, while others are better for strategies, like managing your time, recognizing question type, and speed reading the passages. All of these books can be used alongside the Red Book, where you can apply what you'velearned on real sample questions. Let's jump into the pros and cons of each. Barron'sACT Amazon price: about $17 Pros If you're looking for a large amount of content, strategies, and practice questions all in one big ACT prep book, then Barron's ACT is a good choice. It's a traditional prep book with a thorough review of the concepts that will appear on each section of the ACT. It begins with an introduction to the ACT and suggested study plan, followed by an ACT "dress rehearsal," or diagnostic test to measure your initial level. Then it devotes about 50 pages to each section, with test-taking tactics, skills and concepts, question types, and a practice test. Each section also begins with a warm-up drill, about ten or so quick questions. Barron's discusses the main concepts you need for answering Reading questions, like uncoveringmain point, interpreting details, and understanding vocabulary in context. It breaks down the English section by grammar rule, like punctuation, run-on sentences, and subject-verb agreement. Along similar lines, it describes and gives examples for math concepts like algebra and coordinate geometry, and reviews the data representation, research summary, and conflicting viewpoint questions on the science section. Barron's ACT is a good book for general study, but there's also Barron's for a 36 for those students aiming for a perfect score. Barron's also has subject specific workbooks, such as Barron's ACT Math and Science Workbook, for even more practice questions. Now for the downsides of Barron's ACT. Cons The general feeling around Barron's test prep books is that the practice questions are actually more difficult than real ACT questions. Some go beyond the test in terms of the concepts they test, while others are just worded in an overly complex way. While "overpreparing" is not necessarily a bad thing, it could be an ineffective use of your time. Plus Barron's practice tests might not give you the truest sense of your scoring level. While Barron's is very comprehensive, this thoroughness might also be a drawback for some students. The sheer amount of material can feel overwhelming, and it means students have the extra task of breaking up their studying into smaller, more manageable goals. Reading it cover to cover wouldn't be the most effective approach, so you have to break it up into an order that makes sense for you. Without a frequency guide that prioritizes some concepts over others, this may feel like additional work. The thoroughness of Barron's ACT is a strength, but it also signifies extra commitment from you. Princeton Review's Cracking the ACT Amazon price: about $17 Pros Like Barron's ACT, Princeton Review's Cracking the ACT is a comprehensive, traditional test prep book that provides a full review of content, strategies, and practice questions. It covers Math most thoroughly, followed by Science. The English and Reading sections are less comprehensive. This book clearly states important grammar rules and math concepts you need to know, while suggesting thought processes to use when taking the test. It talks about how best to use process of elimination, what order to answer the questions in to save time, and how to think through questions that leave you stumped. Each section has drills and example questions. This book also provides six full practice tests, four of which are in the book itself and two online. It has an online LiveScorer for the essay, as well as instant scoring for the online tests. Cons This book has similar downsides as Barron's ACT. As a big, comprehensive book, it can feel overwhelming and be difficult to approach. Since it's a traditional prep book, some students might find its style dry and hard to stay engaged with. Since the practice questions aren't official, they aren't the best representation of real ACT questions. Unlike Barron's overly difficult material, though, Princeton Review can be too easy. If you're looking to boost your scores into top percentiles, Princeton Review is probably not the book that will get you there. Instead, books like Barron's and the subject-specific books below are better for achieving top scores. The ACT Black Book Amazon price:about $29 Pros While Barron's and Princeton Review cover all aspects of ACT prep, the ACT Black Book is more narrow in its focus.By this I mean the Black Book is less concerned with teaching you math and English skills and more concerned with teaching you about how the test works. According to the author, Mike Barrett, the ACT is a predictable test that uses the same template year after year. If you study the question types and patterns, then you can recognize exactly what each question is asking you. In a sense, you can beat the test by truly understanding how it works in an in-depth way. Barrett suggests thatany student can score highly on the ACT regardless of their academic performance in school. Doing well is abouthow you think about the questions and avoid the common pitfalls of tricky wording and distracting answer choices. As Barrett says, the ACT is only hard because "it tests the basicsbut in very strange ways." Cons The major con for The Black Book is that it has no ACT practice questions of its own. Because it refers to questions from the Red Book, it has to be used alongside it. The Black Book doesn't have too many lessons on concepts, either. For what it does have, the Math and Reading are stronger than the English and Science. The Black Book presupposes that you already have the skills down, and then shows you how to apply them on the ACT. That's why it must be used in conjunction with another book for content review, and probably only after you possess the requisite skills. Additionally,at about $29, this is one of the more expensive ACT prep books. Because it's a wordy, in-depth look at the structure, format, and tricks of the ACT, it requires a lot of dedication and motivation from students. The Black Book will teach you a lot, but you have to really take the time and energy to engage with it. The Black Book is best for students willing to delve into the material and thereby gain a deep understanding of the ACT and how it works. Up Your Score: ACT, The Underground Guide Amazon price: about $11 Pros The Underground Guide takes a more fun approach to ACT prep. It breaks down the format and concepts of the test in a humorous way, and offers some test-taking strategies. It's written by test-takers who share their experiences and understand what the entire process is like. Unlike other books, it delves into issues of stress and pressure surrounding the tests and offers advice for taming your nerves.Plus it has a recipe for "GameFace Quintuple Sugar Blast Bars," if you're into that kind of thing. Cons This book is a lighthearted departure from more serious, traditional prep books. While it's a relatively fun way to introduce yourself to the ACT and gain some intriguing insights from former test-takers, it's probably not sufficientas your only source of test prep. It might be more like a "pre-book" to start out your studying, clear up questions and anxieties around the test, and learn about what the test and experience is like in an engaging way.To gain more rigorous review of different sections of the ACT, I recommend checking out these subject-specific books listed below. Best Books for ACT Math Are you looking to pay special attention to the math section of the ACT? These books focus specifically on ACT math, so they can be especially useful if this is where you're trying to improve your scores the most. My two recommendations are the Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT and McGraw Hill's Top 50 Skills for Math. Ultimate Guide to the Math ACT Amazon price: about $24 Pros The Ultimate Guide to the Math ACTgives clear, well-crafted lessons of each math topic that shows up on the ACT math, like algebra and geometry. It also breaks them down into smaller subtopics, like functions and plane geometry. It covers everything you need to know and doesn't go beyond the concepts that will appear on the test. It also has high-level strategies for solving problems, saving time, and prepping in the most effective and efficient way. Cons The answer explanations to the practice problems are not as thorough as they could be. This book doesn't walk you through the steps of solving the problem like the ACT Black Book does, meaning you could run into confusion with a similar problem. It also doesn't have a frequency guide that shows you how often to expect certain concepts or identify levels of difficulty. This means it's up to you to figure this out and prioritize your studying. McGraw Hill's Top 50 Skills for Math Amazon price: about $14 Pros McGraw Hill's Top 50 Skills for Math, unlike a lot of other math review books,is written in an engaging style. It discusses 50 critical math skills you need for the ACT, along with sample questions illustrating each concept. A particular strength of this ACT prep book is that itwalks you through solving the problems from beginning to end, which can aid your thinking when you're taking the real test. This book has a diagnostic pre-test you can use to assess your skills starting out, as well as a post-test to gauge your progress. Cons Since this book is more focused on teaching the top 50 math skills, it's limited in terms of practice questions. This book would best be used to review concepts alongside the Red Book plus another source of practice questions. While this book is useful for students at all levels, it doesn't provide extra strategies or tips beyond the ordinary. It's probably not the book that will push motivated students into the top percentile of scores. Best ACT Prep Books for English and Reading In terms of the English and Reading sections of the ACT, my top recommendation comes from Erica Meltzer. Erica Meltzer's The Complete Guide to ACT English Amazon price: about $31 Pros Erica Meltzer teaches you about the different types of English questions and drills you on those question types. She explains the important grammar and usage rules you need to answer these questions correctly, like parallel structure, sentences and fragments, even punctuation marks like apostrophes and dashes. The practice questions are grouped by skill so you can drill your understanding of each rule. This book is straightforward, to the point, and covers the most important skills and rules you need to know. Cons One obvious con is this book is relatively expensive considering it only covers one of the four sections on the ACT. It is helpful for learning and drilling all the grammar rules, but not sufficient as a source of practice questions. While it's helpful that Erica Meltzer groups the questions by skill, the actual ACT will ask these questions randomly. You'll have to move beyond this book to make sure you can identify the skill without it being pre-labeled in the book. The Complete Guide to ACT Reading Amazon price: about $28 Pros Both the reading passages and practice questions are high quality and realistic in Erica Meltzer's The Complete Guide to ACT Reading. Erica Meltzer does a good job of teasing apart the skills you need to develop for this section, which can be harder to identify than, say, the math section. She gives activities to drill each skill, as well as discusses strategies for reading the passages and saving time. For more pieces of advice, you can check out her blog, The Critical Reader. Cons Like her English book, this one is relatively pricey. Bought together, they total roughly $60, and that's only to cover English and Reading. Some students find her writing style to be a bit dry, while others appreciate that it's direct and to the point. While the material is high quality, the layout is not compelling. It has small font and not particularly creative graphics. Best Book for ACT Science Even though many students find the Science section to be the most challenging part of the ACT, until recently there were no books specifically dedicated to helping you on ACT Science. At PrepScholar, we know all the tricks for making ACT Science easier, so we decided to compile them into a book. The PrepScholar Guide to ACT Science Amazon price:about $5 (e-book) Pros This book covers every topic, skill, and question type you'll see on ACT Science which means that nothing on this section will come as a surprise on test day. It includes a list of every science fact you could be tested on, so you're only studying the science information you need to know. It also contains multiple strategies for tackling ACT Science passages so you can choose the method that works best for you. Most importantly, this book contains all of our best ACT Science test-taking tricks.Many students get tripped up on the Science section because it's so different from the science tests they've taken in school. However, this books shows you how to identify every trick in ACTScience and learn how toavoid getting fooled by them so you can find the correct answer quickly and more easily. Cons While every chapter in this book includes sample questions to help you see and understand different concepts, there is no final quiz or exam section at the end of the book. To fully practice everything you've learned from this book, we recommend takingfull-length Science sections. Additionally, right now the book is only available as an e-book, so you can't purchase a hard copy if that's how you prefer to study. Is Studying from Books the Best Option for You? Studying for the ACT probably isn't at the top of your favorite things to do. For a lot of students, it requires a lot of self-discipline to sit down and drill yourself on the skills you need for English, Reading, Math, and Science. Given this, you certainly don't want to be wasting your time. If you're taking the time study, you should see results. To make sure you're prepping effectively and learning the skills you need to know, I would recommend exploring all your test prep options. For instance, you can learn a lot about the ACT (for free!) from our various detailed study guides. A lot less expensive (and lighter) than all these recommendedACTpreparation books, since unfortunately there's no ACT preparation books free download. These are just a few of the most useful guides, and we're adding new ones every day. The Best Way to Review Your Mistakes on ACT Questions Should You Guess on the ACT? 5 Guessing Strategies The 31 ACT Critical Math Formulas You Must Know The Complete Guide to ACT Grammar Rules ACT Vocabulary: Words You Must Know How to Write an ACT Essay, Step by Step How to Get a Perfect ACT Score, by a 36 Full Scorer All of us at PrepScholar have been through the standardized testing process and understand what's at stake. We also know that it's important to prep in a way that's customized to you as a student, celebrates your authentic learning style, and doesn't feel tedious or boring. You can try a 5 day free trial of our online ACT prep program to see if it works for you. You can learn exactly how PrepScholar customizes your study plan, keeps track of your progress, and helps you stay accountable to your goals. While books offer a ton of information, their very thoroughnessadds extra challenge to an already high stakes situation. Before spending your time and money on all these books, consider how you best learn and what your goals are so you can make things easier on yourself and determine yourbest approach. What's Next? How long should you study before you take the ACT? Check out our recommended study plan here. When are you going to take the ACT for the first time? How many times do you plan to take it? This article discusses the most important factors in choosing your test dates. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Importance of Outside Classroom Activities in Promoting Oral Essay

The Importance of Outside Classroom Activities in Promoting Oral Fluency in an EFL Context - Essay Example Consequently, creating opportunities outside the classroom for students to speak English is an effective strategy in compensating for students’ limited use of the L2. Research studies have shown that external classroom activities have equal significance in enabling students learn English as a second language. In addition, it has been asserted that such activities provide a non-educational environment from which a student may feel free and comfortable to acquire new language skills. This study investigates the significance of outside classroom activities in promoting students’ oral proficiency. In addition, it reports on students’ perceptions of such activities. Fifteen participants from the American University of Kuwait took part in this study. Open-ended interviews were done to find out what the participants thought of these activities, and what they gained from them. Interview results show that students found outside classroom activities very effective in improving not only their oral fluency skills, but their confidence and critical thinking skills as well. The implications of this research study are for language practitioners and language programs in the EFL context to be aware of the benefits of incorporating outside classroom activities in language teaching. Approximations indicate that in the beginning of the 21st century, around 400-500 million English speakers existed [1]. Obviously, by now the number has dramatically increased. The reason for that is many countries have picked up English as the primary foreign language as the world continues to connect more and more. In these countries, it is estimated that there is 20-30% of the population that speaks English. Thus, the author notes that around 1.5 to 2 billion English speakers exist worldwide. The numbers are inclusive of native language speakers who use English as their first language, and non-native English speakers who use English as their secondary language. While studying English in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of President Obamas Inaugural Speech Essay

Rhetorical Analysis of President Obamas Inaugural Speech - Essay Example The speech feels like the fresh morning dew that soothes our doubting soul as we traverse the scorching heat and difficulty of a financial crisis. The speech intended to lift us from our debilitating skepticism about ourselves and our world to believe once more in the enduring spirit that made America â€Å"the prosperous, most powerful nation on earth†. It is a speech where all the three rhetorical concepts of pathos, ethos, and logos were astutely utilized not only to deliver a message but also to touch and affect its audience. To underscore further President Obama’s message of hope, he used pathos or emotion as a primary medium for him to get his message across and for the audience to relate to him. It is very noticeable in that inaugural address, that the word â€Å"I† was sparingly used and was only mentioned twice. First, it was only mentioned in the opening statement which was in the context of humility that he is grateful of the trust that was bestowed up on him and â€Å"mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors†.   The second time that President Obama mentioned it was in a collective context involving the audience by saying â€Å"today I say to you that the challenges we face are real†. ...He was inviting sympathy without even asking by subliminally hinting that he, a black man, suffered too just like many of the audiences yet the opportunity of America enabled him to rise above his circumstances and now bestowed a position of great honor. Subconsciously, he was playing an underdog while calling for America to rise above the challenge, to unite and to once more take the challenge of leadership. In a way, he was subconsciously saying that if he was able to be where he is right now when before blacks cannot be even served at a local restaurant, then the rest of America can also overcome the challenges that they are facing as he did. President Obama’s used of emotional appeal or pathos is reinforced by hi s own credibility or ethos. As a political leader, he is known as a man of integrity and has never involved in any compromising political situation.  

Ophthalamic Disorders Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ophthalamic Disorders Case Study - Essay Example Mr. Ally is suffering from an eye stoke which is a disorder of the optic nerve. An eye stroke is also referred to as (AION) Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (Kumar, 2008). The eye is surrounded by numerous tissues, veins and blood vessels that have a duty to aid in the circulation of blood from one eye point to the next. In the event that the flow of blood to the optic nerve is tampered with, the eye suffers from a stroke. This is an urgent attack that is not easily noticed and develops into a fully blown condition in no time. This is because the optic nerve suffers from lack of oxygen and blood. This indicates that the blood flow to the eye is reduced or blocked totally chocking out the supply to the optic nerve. This seriously hampers the overall performance of the nerve (Hattenhauer, 1997).Once the optic nerve encounters the chocked or reduced blood supply, it swells. The swelling is terribly hard to notice if tests are not conducted as the swelling does not become a noticed phe nomena immediately. The optic nerve does not receive blood in the correct amount and the correct pressures. This affects the normal capacity of the eye thus resulting in shadows and floaters when viewing. After a while, the eye is significantly affected and suffers from total vision loss (Kumar, 2008).The doctor can introduce Mr. Ally to Corticosteroids which will have the task of enhancing blood circulation in the optic nerve. They will also ensure that the swelling experienced reduces with time.

Cryptography & Coding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Cryptography & Coding - Essay Example There are various factors involved in the security of a variety of software applications, ranging from protected commerce payments, personal communications as well as defending passwords. One fundamental way for safe communications is cryptography. Cryptography is presently the main information and data security technology. However it is significant to note that as cryptography is essential for safe communications, it is not by itself sufficient. This research presents a detailed analysis of the cryptography technology in terms of information and data safety. In this research I will present the comprehensive overview of the main security and privacy aspects those we need to assess during the implementation of any security policy. The technology of cryptography is very old but its utilization in the information technology sector was seen after the emergence of web based crimes. The research will spotlight on the main cryptographic technology, types, algorithms, application areas, main advantages, and some of the main technological scenarios. Introduction Data is the most important element of the firms for the reason that they heavily rely on this data to run and manage their business tasks. Basically, data can be defined â€Å"as the â€Å"group of unrefined facts representing events taking place in organizations or the physical environment prior to they have been structured and managed into a structure that people can identify and utilize and Information refers to data that have been transformed into a structure that is important and functional to human beings† (Laudon & Laudon, 1999, p.7; Norton, 2001, p.4). Without a doubt, both the data and information are believed to be the main assets of almost all the business organizations. In this scenario, it is essential for the business organizations to protect these assets from possible threats. According to (Laudon & Laudon, 1999, p. 502), â€Å"security is a set of rules, actions, and technical measures u sed to stop unlawful access or modification, robbery, and physical damage to the database. Privacy refers to the right of individuals and organizations to forbid or restrict the compilation and utilizations of information about them.† In the past, information privacy was uncomplicated to retain for the reason that information was kept in different locations. Each business had its own acknowledgment files. Each government agency kept detached records. Doctors kept their own patient files. On the other hand, at present, massive databases store this data online. A large amount of this data is private and secret and should be reachable only to approved users (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 2005, p. 591). In this situation the data security becomes a big challenge which demands implementation of effective methods. Cryptography provides useful techniques for security of data and information. Technology of Cryptography can be described as the science which deals with the processes of al teration of information or data into a scrambled code that can be decoded and sent all through a private or public network (Akdeniz, 1996; Kessler, 2009). Anonymity and Privacy In their research article (Martin, 2006) discuss that both the privacy and anonymity on the web are noteworthy because they are hard to attain. Online privacy concerns are in the news each day currently.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Single Women in Victorian England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Single Women in Victorian England - Essay Example The lives and fortunes of single women in Victorian England. The society of Victorian England was, as we know, very class-riven. Thus the lives and fortunes of single women in that society depended largely on the class they were born into and on the resources available to them. Some, like Mary Carpenter, were fortunate in those resources.1 As H Schupf points out, 'Traditionally, the options available to the middle-class spinster without resources were commonly limited to governessing or authorship; but for those who were both financially independent and unencumbered by relatives, there existed the additional possibility of charitable work.'2 Clearly, for the working classes, the situation was quite different. Yet unlike their middle-class and upper class counterparts, working-class women had job opportunities as domestic servants and in factories and, though both these occupations were lowly paid and demanding. As Jeffreys writes, 'unmarried women from the working class did have access to work and the vast majority of them were absorbed in the domestic servant industry which relied almost entirely on unmarried women.'3 Becoming a domestic servant had its appeal for many young women of the time, as they were thus enabled to break free from the immediate constraints of their background: 'The discomfort of poor, overcrowded homes and the problems of family life, beset by high birth rates, high mortality rates, and the emigration of men overseas, may have rendered domestic service in more prosperous houses [initially at least] an attractive alternative'.4 Attractive, perhaps, but not always reliable, for such work was casual and often seasonal, depending as it did on the shifts and movements of the upper classes. Not... Clearly, for the working classes, the situation was quite different. Yet unlike their middle-class and upper class counterparts, working-class women had job opportunities as domestic servants and in factories and, though both these occupations were lowly paid and demanding. As Jeffreys writes, 'unmarried women from the working class did have access to work and the vast majority of them were absorbed in the domestic servant industry which relied almost entirely on unmarried women.'3 Becoming a domestic servant had its appeal for many young women of the time, as they were thus enabled to break free from the immediate constraints of their background: 'The discomfort of poor, overcrowded homes and the problems of family life, beset by high birth rates, high mortality rates, and the emigration of men overseas, may have rendered domestic service in more prosperous houses [initially at least] an attractive alternative'.4 Attractive, perhaps, but not always reliable, for such work was casua l and often seasonal, depending as it did on the shifts and movements of the upper classes. Not surprisingly, working-class single women were more sexually vulnerab

The Feasibility of Different Techniques for Providing Fresh Water to Assignment

The Feasibility of Different Techniques for Providing Fresh Water to Arid Regions of the World - Assignment Example As the essay declares a Water Program for African Arid & Water Scarce zones has been launched by the Italian ministry for Environment & Territory that aims at developing potential water resources management to protect water regions’ fragile environment. Deteriorating qualities caused by hydrological challenges are threatening fresh water resources available within such areas. Frequently, accessible water within arid regions is limited to ground water. Following short duration as well as high intensity rainfall events, surface inflows are frequently restricted to flashfloods. According to the report findings water, like other resources, happens to be at the edge of diminishing, more specifically within world’s arid regions. Within the near future, individuals living in arid regions are going to run short of water supply if they use all the accessible surface water. Such water is harvested from nearby fresh water rivers and springs. Borehole drilling is quite common within arid areas due to grave shortage of water within the regions. Ground water harvesting is considered a viable option since it does not require maintenance costs. This is an approach that aims at converting sea water to fresh drinking water. This happens by way of eliminating salt found within sea water. This is one among the oldest and commonly used techniques for treating water. This is a very practicable approach especially in assuring freshwater supply within arid regions. Desalination has the capability to remove most contaminants within water.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Single Women in Victorian England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Single Women in Victorian England - Essay Example The lives and fortunes of single women in Victorian England. The society of Victorian England was, as we know, very class-riven. Thus the lives and fortunes of single women in that society depended largely on the class they were born into and on the resources available to them. Some, like Mary Carpenter, were fortunate in those resources.1 As H Schupf points out, 'Traditionally, the options available to the middle-class spinster without resources were commonly limited to governessing or authorship; but for those who were both financially independent and unencumbered by relatives, there existed the additional possibility of charitable work.'2 Clearly, for the working classes, the situation was quite different. Yet unlike their middle-class and upper class counterparts, working-class women had job opportunities as domestic servants and in factories and, though both these occupations were lowly paid and demanding. As Jeffreys writes, 'unmarried women from the working class did have access to work and the vast majority of them were absorbed in the domestic servant industry which relied almost entirely on unmarried women.'3 Becoming a domestic servant had its appeal for many young women of the time, as they were thus enabled to break free from the immediate constraints of their background: 'The discomfort of poor, overcrowded homes and the problems of family life, beset by high birth rates, high mortality rates, and the emigration of men overseas, may have rendered domestic service in more prosperous houses [initially at least] an attractive alternative'.4 Attractive, perhaps, but not always reliable, for such work was casual and often seasonal, depending as it did on the shifts and movements of the upper classes. Not... Clearly, for the working classes, the situation was quite different. Yet unlike their middle-class and upper class counterparts, working-class women had job opportunities as domestic servants and in factories and, though both these occupations were lowly paid and demanding. As Jeffreys writes, 'unmarried women from the working class did have access to work and the vast majority of them were absorbed in the domestic servant industry which relied almost entirely on unmarried women.'3 Becoming a domestic servant had its appeal for many young women of the time, as they were thus enabled to break free from the immediate constraints of their background: 'The discomfort of poor, overcrowded homes and the problems of family life, beset by high birth rates, high mortality rates, and the emigration of men overseas, may have rendered domestic service in more prosperous houses [initially at least] an attractive alternative'.4 Attractive, perhaps, but not always reliable, for such work was casua l and often seasonal, depending as it did on the shifts and movements of the upper classes. Not surprisingly, working-class single women were more sexually vulnerab

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Compare and contrast of the knight and wife of baths tale from the Essay

Compare and contrast of the knight and wife of baths tale from the canterbury tales - Essay Example The family institution is grounded by marriage; the institution of two individuals or partners with an aim of procreating and nurturing the wellbeing of their children while observing the set standards by the society. Romance on the other hand strengthens the marriage institution as a subset of love; a virtue necessary for the coexistence of family members and society at large. Majority of the society members will always look forward to love from family members and society at large and romance from their partners with which not only serves as the basic course of occupations but basis of identification and a sense of belonging. Romance and love comes with responsibilities for each of the stakeholders which vary with gender and the aspirations of the specific unit that is the family or the society (Heng, 2). The Wife of Bath and the Knight’s tales revolve around romance, love, relationships and the responsibilities that come with each set of relationships; appreciative and punit ive and this paper will seek to compare and contrast the two tales with reference to thematic presentation, morals and responsibilities, love and romance. Socially, the two tales bring out the importance of love and romance to the survival of the society in that lack of romance and love can lead to social vices which have long term repercussions to the errant and the society. For instance, in the Wife of Bath’s tale a knight who had raped a fair young maiden is faced with death penalty according to the society’s set standards and which sets path for the repercussions he faces in the tale. In the Knight’s tale the importance of love and romance in for social identity and sense of belonging is brought out whereby cousins Arcite and Palamon; who were imprisoned by Theseu, the Duke of Athens after inventions against Creon, falls in love with the same girl, Emelye. The power and value relationships, romance, love and the quest for identity and sense of belonging are brought out in the hate that these two cousins develop for each other over the girl and the â€Å"mass judicial tournament† that they engage in all for the winner to give the girl a hand in marriage. Though the scenarios in the two tales differ in the perspective of the responsibilities, they converge to one point of romance and love and the need for identity. For instance, in the Wife of Bath’s tale responsibilities assigned to the knight are punitive compared to the Knight’s tale which though punitive in the sense of mass tournament, they are appreciative in that the end results are explicitly defined. Thematically the two tales differ in that the Wife of Bathcritically evaluates the value of romance and details aspects of society’s aspirations such as antifeminism, behavior in marriage, economics of love and female dominance unlike the Knight’s tale which focuses much on romance. For instance, in the Wife of Bath, when the Knight was about to be prosecuted, Queen Guinevere intercedes and passes the judgment instead of the king; a move that introduced the aspects of female dominance, sought out to bring out the role of women in the society and their influence in matters of love and marriage, and sexuality themes. For example, when the knight was asked to discover for the queen what women desire most, for exchange of death penalty he was to receive; it is